Site Settings and Beta Status:
- Site registrations are currently disabled for this site. With this warning present, it will prevent any new accounts from being created. Absence of this error message, means you are free to register a new client account.
- Site billing is currently toggled to debug mode. Under no circumstance when this warning is active, should you attempt to schedule new sessions, or update payment information. In absence of this message, you are welcome to use these features as normal to update billing information and schedule sessions.
- Site scheduling is currently disabled. During this period, users will be unable to register for new sessions. This is only temporary and in absence of this message, you are free and welcome to schedule new sessions with any of our counselors. Please be patient, this feature should be re-enabled, momentarily.
We're sorry, but the site is currently in transaction test mode. Please do not register an account, update your credit card information, or schedule sessions until this message disappears. Please view our main page for updates!
Schedule a Session
Here you can pick available times from the calendar and schedule sessions with our counselors.Attention clients: please review our scheduling policies before committing to a session.
Attention Guests: you are required to sign up with our services to view time slots and to schedule sessions. You will be prompted to signup, or login prior to scheduling a session.